Module Generic_util.App

module App: Generic_util_app
Type application and defunctionalisation.

Type Application

module T: sig .. end
Module defining the types
type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) 
Synonym for convenience, when namespace Generic_util is opened, and one doesn't want to open App.T, one can refer to as App.t.

Core parametric types

type option' 
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Option : 'a option -> ('a, option') t
val get_option : ('a, option') t -> 'a option
type list' 
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| List : 'a list -> ('a, list') t
val get_list : ('a, list') t -> 'a list
type array' 
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Array : 'a array -> ('a, array') t
val get_array : ('a, array') t -> 'a array

Identity Functor

type id = 
| ID
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Id : 'a -> ('a, id) t
val get_id : ('a, id) t -> 'a

Constant Functor

type 't const = 
The type 't const doesn't build useful values, we use it as a "code" to be interpreted by app so that ('a, 't const) app is isomorphic to 't.

It would have been better to make 't const an abstract type, but it then makes typechecking troublesome for the constructor Const : 't -> ('a, 't const) app

type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Const : 'b -> ('a, 'b const) t
('a, 'b const) app is isomorphic to 't
val get_const : ('a, 'b const) t -> 'b
Get the argument of the Const constructor

Exponential Functor

type 'b exponential = 
The type 'b exponential doesn't build useful values, consider it abstract. We use it as a "code" to be interpreted by app so that ('a, 'b exponential) app is isomorphic to 'a -> 'b.
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Exponential : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b exponential) t
('a, 'b exponential) app is isomorphic to 'a -> 'b.
val get_exponential : ('a, 'b exponential) t -> 'a -> 'b
Get the argument of the Exponential constructor

Functor Composition

type ('f, 'g) comp = 
type ('_, '_) Generic_util_app.t += 
| Comp : (('a, 'f) t, 'g) t -> ('a, ('f, 'g) comp) t
val get_comp : ('a, ('f, 'g) comp) t ->
(('a, 'f) t, 'g) t