val dup_if_block : Obj.t -> Obj.t
type tag =
Constructor of int
| Lazy
| Closure
| Object
| Infix
| Forward
| Abstract
| String
| Double
| Double_array
| Custom
| Unaligned
| Out_of_heap
| Int
type obj = Int of int | Block of Generic_util_obj.tag * Obj.t array
val view : Obj.t -> Generic_util_obj.obj
val tag_view : int -> Generic_util_obj.tag
type con_id = bool * int
val con_id : 'a -> Generic_util_obj.con_id
val is_con : Obj.t -> bool
val gsize : Obj.t -> int
val fields_all2 : (Obj.t -> Obj.t -> bool) -> Obj.t -> Obj.t -> bool
val listify : Obj.t -> Obj.t
val is_ext_con : Obj.t -> bool
val ext_con : Obj.t -> Obj.t
val ext_con_name : Obj.t -> string
val ext_con_id : Obj.t -> int
val poly_hash : 'a -> int
val custom_identifier : 'a -> string