module Generic_core_antiunify:sig
val resolve_synonym : 'a Ty.ty -> 'a Ty.ty
val anti_unify : 'a Ty.ty -> 'b Ty.ty -> 'a Ty.ty
The anti-unifier of two types is the most specific type that is more general than both types.
For instance, the anti-unifier of int list * string
, char list * string option
is 'a list * 'b
where 'a
and 'b
are fresh type variables.
The function Generic_core_antiunify.anti_unify
works on type
codes. Correspondingly, the anti-unifier of the previous
example Pair (List Int, String)
and Pair (List Char,
Option String)
is Pair (List Any, Any)
More formally, the anti-unifier of two type codes is inductively defined by:
anti_unify (C (x0,..,xn), D (y0,..,ym)) =
if C == D and n == m then C (anti_unify x0 y0, ..., anti_unify xn ym)
else Any