module Generic_core_ty_desc:sig
The extensible type Generic_core_ty.ty
, reflects types terms as values.
We may write generic programs over ty
by using the generic view computed by Generic_core_ty_desc.ext
it is a value of type Generic_core_desc.Ext.t
which describes the constructors of ty
val ext : 'a Ty.T.ty -> 'a Ty.T.ty Desc.Ext.t
val conap : 'a Ty.T.ty ->
'a Ty.T.ty Desc.Con.conap
if the constructor hasn't been added previously.val con : 'a Ty.T.ty -> 'a Ty.T.ty Desc.Con.t
con x
is the constructor of x
if the constructor hasn't been added previously.val subterms : 'a Ty.T.ty -> Ty.dyn list
if the constructor hasn't been added previously.