(&&.) [Generic_util_fun] | (f &&. g) x = f x && g x
(-<) [Generic_util_fun] | (g -< f) x = g (f x)
(-<) [Generic_util_list] | |
(>-) [Generic_util_fun] | (f >- g) x = g (f x)
(>>.) [Generic_util_fun] | (f >>. g) x = f x ; g x
A | |
add_con [Generic_core_desc.Ext] | add_con ext c adds c to the constructors of
extensible type described by ext
all [Generic_util_monoid] |
Boolean monoid under conjunction.
anti_unify [Generic_core_antiunify] |
Anti-unification for type patterns.
any [Generic_core_ty] |
any == Any
any [Generic_util_monoid] |
Boolean monoid under disjunction.
app_of_mon [Generic_util_monad] | |
append_plate [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
arity [Generic_core_desc.Con] |
The arity of a constructor is the number of its arguments.
array [Generic_core_ty] |
array == Array Any
ask [Generic_util_monad.Reader] | |
C | |
c0 [Generic_core_desc.Con] |
Builds a constant constructor.
children [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
children [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
The list of children of type
a of a value of type a
children_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | children is a generic function that computes a list of
dynamic values which are the immediate children of the given
coerce [Generic_core_equal] |
Coerces a value between two intensionally equal types.
compose [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
compose_left_id [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
compose_monad [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
compose_right_id [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
con [Generic_core_desc.Ext] | con ext x
con [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
con [Generic_core_ty_desc] | con x is the constructor of x .
con_id [Generic_util_obj] |
Discriminates each constructor of a variant datatype by
returning a distinct pair of (bool,int) for each of them.
con_list [Generic_core_desc.Ext] |
returns the current list of constructors
con_list [Generic_core_desc.Variant] | |
conap [Generic_view_conlist] | |
conap [Generic_core_desc.Poly] |
Deconstructs a value of a polymorphic variant into the pair of its constructor and its arguments.
conap [Generic_core_desc.Ext] |
Deconstructs a value into a pair of a constructor and its arguments.
conap [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
conap [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
conap [Generic_core_ty_desc] |
Constructor application: the pair of a constructor and its list of arguments.
concat_map [Generic_util_list] |
concat_map is the flipped bind operator of the list monad
conpat [Generic_core_ty] | conpat computes a constructor pattern:
conpat' [Generic_core_ty] | conpat' is the ty' version of conpat , working on index-less type codes.
cons [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
Builds a
'v cons from a list of constructor descriptions.
cons [Generic_util_list] | cons is useful when we want partial application of the list constructor.
const [Generic_util_applicative] | |
const [Generic_util_functor] | |
const [Generic_util_fun] |
Constant function, ignore the second argument.
cp0 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp1 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp2 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp3 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp4 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp5 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp6 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp7 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp8 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
cp9 [Generic_core_desc.Con.Build] | |
create [Generic_core_consumer] | create name , creates a new closure initially empty:
calling f will raise
Type_pattern_match_failure .
create [Generic_core_extensible] | create name , creates a new closure initially empty:
calling f will raise
Type_pattern_match_failure .
create [Generic_core_desc.Ext] |
Initialises the collection of constructors for an extensible type
cst [Generic_core_desc.Variant] | cst cs returns the list of the constant constructors in cs .
cst_get [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
cst_len [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
curry [Generic_util_fun] | |
custom_identifier [Generic_util_obj] |
Returns the identifier of a custom block,
or the empty string if the block isn't a custom one.
D | |
decuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
deepfix [Generic_fun_deepfix] | |
default [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
the default open-recursive transformation applies its openrec argument to
all the children of a value.
drop_while [Generic_util_list] | |
dup_if_block [Generic_util_obj] |
Duplicate a block.
dynprod_of_list [Generic_core_product] | |
E | |
either [Generic_util_sum] | |
embed_io [Generic_util_monad.IO] |
Embed an effectful computation in the IO monad
empty_elim [Generic_util_sum] |
Empty elimination: anything can be proved from a
eq [Generic_core_ty] |
eq x y == E x = E y
equal [Generic_fun_equal.Equal] | |
equal [Generic_core_equal] | |
erase [Generic_util_misc] | erase x is used when only the side effects of a computation are needed, not its value.
ext [Generic_core_equal] |
equal with a new case.
ext [Generic_core_repr] | ext t f extends function repr with a new case for type t defined by f .
ext [Generic_core_desc_fun] | ext pattern new_case extends desc with a new_case corresponding to the types that match pattern .
ext [Generic_core_ty_desc] |
Generic view for
Generic_core_ty.ty : low level description of the type ty itself.
ext_add_con [Generic_core_desc_fun] |
Adds a constructor to an extensible variant.
ext_con [Generic_util_obj] |
Extracts the constructor of an extensible variant
(the from a value which may be a constructor application.
ext_con_id [Generic_util_obj] |
Returns the unique object identifier associated with an extensible constructor.
ext_con_name [Generic_util_obj] |
Returns the constructor name of an extensible variant.
ext_conap [Generic_core_desc_fun] |
Computes the constructor application view for a value of an extensible variant.
ext_fold [Generic_core_desc_fun] | ext_fold t is similar to List.fold_right executed on the list of constructors of the extensible variant witnessed by t .
ext_iter [Generic_core_desc_fun] | ext_iter t f executes f on each constructor registered with the extensible variant witnessed by t .
ext_register [Generic_core_desc_fun] |
Extensible variants are declared with this function.
F | |
family [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
family [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
A family is a list of descendents.
family_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | family is a generic function that computes a list of
dynamic values which are the descendent of a given value, that is:
the value itself and the descendents of its immediate children
fields_all2 [Generic_util_obj] | fields_all p x y holds iff x and y are both be block of the same size,
and the binary predicate p holds for all their fields:
filter_some [Generic_util_list] | |
find [Generic_core_desc.Poly] | |
find_index [Generic_util_list] | find_index p xs is the index of the first element of xs for which the predicate p is true:
p (List.nth xs (find_index p xs)) == true
and (n < find_index p xs ==> p (List.nth xs n) == false
find_opt [Generic_util_list] | findOpt p xs returns Some x if x is the first
element of the list xs verifying the predicate p .
find_some [Generic_util_list] | |
first [Generic_util_monoid] |
Option monoid returning the leftmost non-Nothing value.
fix [Generic_core_desc.Ext] |
Serialising/Deserializing an extensible value (including
exceptions) doesn't preserve structural equality:
flip [Generic_util_fun] |
flip the arguments of a function
float_prod [Generic_util_monoid] |
Multiplicative monoid.
float_sum [Generic_util_monoid] |
Additive monoid.
fold [Generic_core_product] |
Corresponds to
fold [Generic_core_desc.Ext] | fold ext computes List.foldr on the constructor list.
fold_children [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Use the plate on each child to get an element of the
monoid, and use the monoid to reduce them to a single
fold_children_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
fold_children_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
foldr [Generic_util_list] | foldr c n l = List.fold_right c l n
for_all_in [Generic_util_iter] | for_all_in a b f is the imperative equivalent of
fun a b f -> List.for_all f (from_to a b)
from_bytes [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
from_channel [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
from_repr [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
from_string [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
from_to [Generic_util_list] | from_to a b = [a; a+1; ... ; b]
fun_of_app [Generic_util_applicative] | |
fun_of_mon [Generic_util_monad] | |
functorial [Generic_util_option] | |
G | |
get [Generic_core_desc.Array.intf] | get a n returns the element at index n of array a .
get [Generic_util_monad.State] | |
get_array [Generic_util_app] | |
get_comp [Generic_util_app] | |
get_const [Generic_util_app] |
Get the argument of the
Const constructor
get_exponential [Generic_util_app] |
Get the argument of the
Exponential constructor
get_id [Generic_util_app] | |
get_list [Generic_util_app] | |
get_option [Generic_util_app] | |
get_some [Generic_util_option] |
Partial function
gsize [Generic_util_obj] |
Either the size of a block
(the number of its fields) or
0 for an immediate
guard [Generic_util_exn] | |
H | |
hash [Generic_core_desc.Poly] | |
I | |
id [Generic_util_monad] | |
id [Generic_util_applicative] | |
id [Generic_util_functor] | |
id [Generic_util_fun] |
Identity function
in_range [Generic_util_fun] |
index [Generic_util_list] | index x xs is the index of the first element of xs equal to x .
init [Generic_core_desc.Array.intf] | init n f returns a fresh array of length n ,
with element number i initialized to the result of f i .
int_prod [Generic_util_monoid] |
Multiplicative monoid.
int_sum [Generic_util_monoid] |
Additive monoid.
io [Generic_util_monad.IO] |
The IO monad operations
is_con [Generic_util_obj] |
True if the value could be a value of a non-polymorphic
variant type: the value must be either an immediate value or
a block whose tag is within the range of constructor tags.
is_ext_con [Generic_util_obj] |
Returns whether the object is a constructor of an extensible variant.
is_mutable [Generic_core_desc.Field] | |
iso_id [Generic_util_fun] |
The identity isomorphism
iter [Generic_core_desc.Ext] |
Executes an effectful function on each of the (known)
constructors of an extensible datatype.
J | |
join [Generic_util_monad] | |
L | |
last [Generic_util_monoid] |
Option monoid returning the rightmost non-Nothing value.
left [Generic_util_sum] | |
leftist_plus [Generic_util_option] |
Monadic plus, the left argument has priority on the right
in case both options have a value.
length [Generic_core_product] |
Corresponds to
length [Generic_core_desc.Array.intf] | |
leq [Generic_core_patterns] |
Partial lexical order on type patterns used to implement
extensible functions allowing nested patterns of any depths.
liftA [Generic_util_applicative] | |
liftA2 [Generic_util_applicative] | |
liftA3 [Generic_util_applicative] | |
liftA4 [Generic_util_applicative] | |
liftM [Generic_util_monad] | |
liftM2 [Generic_util_monad] | |
liftM3 [Generic_util_monad] | |
liftM4 [Generic_util_monad] | |
list [Generic_core_ty] |
list == List Any
list [Generic_util_monad] | |
list [Generic_util_applicative] | |
list [Generic_util_functor] | |
list [Generic_util_monoid] |
List monoid
list_of_dynprod [Generic_core_product] |
Dynamic products are isomorphic to lists of dynamic values
list_of_prod [Generic_core_product] |
Forgetting the type index
'a , we obtain a list of unindexed type codes Generic_core_ty.ty'
listify [Generic_util_obj] |
Given a obj of type
(x0,...xn) ,
computes a nested product (x0, (x1, (..., xn) ...))
local [Generic_util_monad.Reader] | |
M | |
make [Generic_core_desc.Con] |
Builds a
con using the corresponding field values
map [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Mapping a function on each component of a product.
map [Generic_util_option] | |
map_children [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Specialisation of
fmap_children with the identity functor.
map_children [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
Replace the children of a value using the given function.
map_children_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
map_family [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Specialisation of
fmap_family with the identity monad.
map_family [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
Bottom up (Depth-first, post-order) traversal of a value of a recursive type.
map_family_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
match_list [Generic_util_list] | match_list tries to apply a function to the first
element of a list.
max_length [Generic_core_desc.Array.intf] |
The maximum length that can be allocated for an array of type
t , using the function init .
monad [Generic_util_list] | |
monoid [Generic_util_list] | |
mreduce_family [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
monadic variant of
N | |
name [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
ncst [Generic_core_desc.Variant] | ncst cs returns the list of the non-constant constructors in cs .
ncst_get [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
ncst_len [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
neq [Generic_core_ty] |
neq x y == not (eq x y)
no_free_var [Generic_core_patterns] | true iff the pattern doesn't contain Any , and thus determines a specific type
no_free_var' [Generic_core_patterns] | no_free_var' (E t) == no_free_var' t
nonuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
O | |
octuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
one_of [Generic_util_exn] | one_of xs tries each action of the list xs
in turn until one succeeds (meaning that it does not raise any exception).
only_if [Generic_util_exn] | only_if f x returns x only if f x is true.
opon [Generic_util_fun] | opon (^) f x y = f x ^ f y
opres [Generic_util_fun] | opres (^) f g x = f x ^ g x
opt_try [Generic_util_option] | opt_try x forces the lazy value x .
option [Generic_core_ty] |
option == Option Any
option [Generic_util_monad] | |
option [Generic_util_applicative] | |
option [Generic_util_functor] | |
option [Generic_util_option] | option f is the functorial action of the functor 'a option :
P | |
p0 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p0 [Generic_core_product] | |
p1 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p1 [Generic_core_product] | |
p10 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p2 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p2 [Generic_core_product] | |
p3 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p3 [Generic_core_product] | |
p4 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p4 [Generic_core_product] | |
p5 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p5 [Generic_core_product] | |
p6 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p6 [Generic_core_product] | |
p7 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p8 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
p9 [Generic_core_product.Build] | |
pair [Generic_core_ty] |
pair == Pair (Any,Any)
para [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
para [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
para_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
para_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
poly_hash [Generic_util_obj] |
Returns the hash value associated with a constructor of a polymorphic variant
poly_variant [Generic_core_desc.Poly] | |
post_family [Generic_fun_uniplate] | Generic_fun_uniplate.post_family lists the descendents in post-order: the leaves are first and the root is last
post_fold [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
folds a family in post-order
post_fold_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
post_fold_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
pre_fold [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Folds a family in pre-order.
pre_fold_d [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
pre_fold_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
print_obj [Generic_util_obj_inspect] |
Print the representation to standard output.
product [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
product [Generic_core_desc.Record] | |
product [Generic_core_desc.Fields] | |
pure_const_plate [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Specialisation of
pure_plate to the constant functor.
pure_id_plate [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Specialisation of
pure_plate to the identity functor.
pure_plate [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
A plate that lift all values into the applicative functor.
put [Generic_util_monad.State] | |
Q | |
quadruple [Generic_core_ty] | |
quintuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
R | |
reader [Generic_util_monad.Reader] | |
rebuild [Generic_view_spine] |
Builds back a value from it's spine view.
reduce_family [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
given a function that may optionally transform a value,
reduce_family returns a function that exhaustively
transforms the family of the input.
replace_children [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
Replacing the children of a value with new children.
replicate [Generic_util_list] | replicate n x = [x; x; ...; x] with x repeated n times.
repr [Generic_core_repr] | |
repr_name [Generic_core_repr] | |
res0 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res1 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res2 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res3 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res4 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res5 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res6 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res7 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res8 [Generic_util_fun] | |
res9 [Generic_util_fun] | |
resolve_synonym [Generic_core_antiunify] |
Recursively replace every occurence of type synonyms with their base type
right [Generic_util_sum] | |
run_io [Generic_util_monad.IO] |
Run the computation with side effects to obtain a result
run_reader [Generic_util_monad.Reader] | |
run_state [Generic_util_monad.State] | |
S | |
safe_find [Generic_util_hash] | safe_find , catches the Not_found exception with a
default value:
scrap [Generic_fun_multiplate] | scrap is a generic function that deconstruct a value in
a tuple children with a function to rebuild the value given
the children.
scrap [Generic_fun_uniplate] | Scrap a returns the list of children of type a of a value of type a
and a function to replace the children.
septuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
sequence [Generic_util_applicative] | |
sequence [Generic_util_list] | |
sequenceM [Generic_util_monad] | |
set [Generic_core_desc.Array.intf] | set a n x modifies array a in place, replacing
element number n with x .
set [Generic_util_list] | set i x xs computes a new list where the i -th element
of xs is x , the rest of the list is unchanged.
sextuple [Generic_core_ty] | |
show [Generic_fun_show] |
An extensible function whose default behaviour is given by
show_default [Generic_fun_show] |
Generic function
show_ext [Generic_fun_show] |
Add a ad-hoc case for
Generic_fun_show.show .
show_obj [Generic_util_obj_inspect] | |
sl_insert [Generic_util_list] | sl_insert leq x xs inserts the new element x in the sorted list xs using the pre-order <= .
some_if [Generic_util_option] | some_if f x = Some x if f x is true, None otherwise
spine [Generic_view_spine] | |
state [Generic_util_monad.State] | |
subterms [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
subterms [Generic_core_ty_desc] |
Arguments of the constructor.
subterms_prod [Generic_core_desc.Con] | |
sum [Generic_util_sum] | |
sumprod [Generic_view_sumprod] | |
T | |
tag_view [Generic_util_obj] |
Converts the result of
Obj.tag to a more descriptive type.
take_while [Generic_util_list] | |
to_bytes [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
to_channel [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
to_list [Generic_util_option] | |
to_repr [Generic_fun_marshal] |
Low level functions
to_string [Generic_fun_marshal] | |
traverse [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Traversing a product type with effects
traverse [Generic_util_applicative] | |
traverse [Generic_util_list] | |
traverseM [Generic_util_monad] | |
traverse_children [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Replace each child using the plate.
traverse_children [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
applicative variant of
traverse_children_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
traverse_family [Generic_fun_multiplate] |
Bottom up (Depth-first, post-order) traversal of a value of a recursive type.
traverse_family [Generic_fun_uniplate] |
monadic variant of
traverse_family_p [Generic_fun_multiplate] | |
triple [Generic_core_ty] |
triple == Triple (Any,Any,Any)
tuple [Generic_core_desc.Record] | |
types_of_mutable_fields [Generic_core_desc.Record] | |
types_of_mutable_fields [Generic_core_desc.Fields] | |
U | |
unboxed_con [Generic_core_desc.Variant] |
Builds a
'v cons from a single constructor.
uncurry [Generic_util_fun] | |
unopt [Generic_util_option] | unopt s n eliminates an option value by replacing the constructor Some by s and None by n .
unopt_try [Generic_util_option] | unopt_try s n x = unopt s n (opt_try x)
update [Generic_util_hash] |
Update a hashtable entry.
V | |
view [Generic_view_conlist] | |
view [Generic_view_sumprod] |
view = sumprod
view [Generic_view_spine] |
view = spine
view [Generic_core_repr] |
synonym of
view [Generic_core_desc_fun] |
Computes the generic view.
view [Generic_util_obj] |
A view on the memory representation of values.
W | |
with_indices [Generic_util_list] | with_indices [x0; x1; ...; xn] = [(0,x0); (1,x1); ... ; (n, xn)]
with_type [Generic_core_ty] | with_type is used to help the type-checker fix the type of a value to the index of ='a ty=.